Scientific Programme

Information about the scientific programme can be found below

 SATURDAY 19.11.2022

Floral Evolution

09:00-10:00 Timotheüs van der Niet (Keynote live talk) - Pollinator-driven evolution in plants with generalized pollination systems 

10:00-10:30 Kazuharu Ohashi (online talk) - Trade-off mitigation: simultaneous adaptation to diverse pollinators through combinations of floral traits 

10:30-11:00 Thomas Dorey (live talk) - Plant phenotypic plasticity changes pollinator - mediated selection

Break 11:00-11:30

11:30-12:00 Sam McCarren (online talk) - Flower orientation as a reproductive barrier

12:00-12:30 Karin Gross (live talk) - Components of local adaptation and divergence in pollination efficacy in a coevolving species interaction 

12:30-13:00 Ruth Cozien (live talk) - Different strokes for different folks: Floral trait differences among pollination ecotypes reflect characteristics of contrasting pollinators 

13:00-13:15 Tyler Figueira (live poster) - Local adaptation with biotic interactions and implications for speciation in plants 

Lunch Break 13:15-14:00

14:00-14:30 Frachon Léa (live talk) - Genomic local adaptation of a generalist plant species to pollinator communities and abiotic factors

14:30-15:00 Stefan Abrahamczyk (live/online talk) - The  best of  two  worlds - ecology  and  evolution of  ambophilous plants 

15:00-15:30 Elisabeth Authier (live talk) - Flowering plant response to limited access to natural pollinator community 

15:30-16:00 Judith Trunschke (online talk) - Flower color evolution and the evidence of pollinator - mediated selection 

Break 16:15-16:30

Bee pollination & Buzz Pollination 

16:30-17:00 Agnes Dellinger (online talk) - Co-flowering Rhexia species (Melastomataceae) share buzz-bee pollinators 

17:00-17:30 Mario Vallejo-Marin (online talk) - Evolution of buzz-pollinated flowers: Functional significance of anther cones 

17:30-18:00 Katharina Brandt (live talk) - Is sensitivity to host-specific floral scents an evolutionary innovation in pollen-specialist bees? 

18:00-18:30 Jeff Karron (online talk) - Reproductive ecology of buzz pollinated Primula meadia 

SUNDAY 20.11.2022

09:00-09:15 Daichi Funamoto (online poster) - Acorus calamus and beetles breed on the inflorescences 

Mimicry & Deception

09:15-09:30 Chengwei Wang (live poster) - Transcription factors and gene regulation in scent biosynthesis in Ophrys orchids 

09:30-09:45 Mattia Alessandrini (live poster) - The development of a decoy: spatial and temporal map of Ophrys sphegodes labellum 

09:45-10:00 Noa L. A. Schwabe (live poster) - How trichomes change pollinators’ behavior in sexually deceptive Ophrys  flowers 

10:00-10:30 Thomas Rupp (live talk) Telling lies to flies - deceptive strategies in fly-pollinated Aristolochia trap-flowers 

Break 10:30-12:00

Floral Features & Pollinator behaviour

12:00-12:30 Hannah C. Butler (talk online) - Pollinator shifts in the African genus Scadoxus (Amaryllidaceae)

12:30-13:00 Franzisca Haffner (live talk) - Influence of color complexity on the learning behavior of Bombus terrestris 

Lunch Break 13:00-14:00

14:00-14:30 Jonathan Heinze (live talk) - Flower color polymorphism in the Peacock Anemone (Anemone pavonina LAM) 

14:30-15:00 Susanne S. Renner (live/online talk) - What are the touch-sensitive stamens of Berberidaceae good for? 

Break 15:00 -15:15

Abiotic factors & Pollination

15:15-15:45 Gróa Valgerður Ingimundardóttir (online talk) - Dressed accordingly! - Scorzoneroides autumnalis ability to adjust to changed temperature 

15:45-16:15 Juan Traine (online talk) Temperature     - induced plasticity influences pollinator preferences and plant fitness  

16:15-16:45 Quint Rusman (live talk) Temperature-induced plasticity and reciprocal selection in a plant-pollinator-herbivore system 

Break 16:45 -17:00

17:15-17:45 Monica Barman (live talk) Impacts of drought stress on floral advertisement and resources of the Styrian oil pumpkin

17:45-18:15 Rebecca J. Höfer (live talk) - Water deficit, nitrogen availability and their combination differently affect floral scent emission in three Brassicaceae species